Covid-19 Checks

For the past who knows how many months there has been talk in Washington, D.C. about sending Americans checks to help them cover their expenses because government lockdowns and other restrictions have led to many job losses. Now that there is new leadership in town the going rate seems to be $1,400, but who gets that money appears to be in question. Some argue that only those making under a certain annual income level are deserving while many are calling for the payments to be sent to all adults. Since the government will just be printing the checks, and growing the money on trees to cover them, how about we just go for it and send $1,400 to every citizen in the country? Taking the U.S. population at roughly 330,000,000 and multiplying by $1,400 leads to a grand total of $462,000,000,000, yes, that is 462 billion. However, the actual price tag for the Covid-19 relief package being negotiated in Congress is about $1.9 trillion. Sure makes you wonder where the other $1.4+ trillion is going to be spent, doesn’t it? We all know that every citizen of the country won’t be getting a $1,400 check, so, perhaps this really isn’t just about Covid-19 after all. “Never let a good crisis go to waste!”