Just Getting Started – 01/14/21

Truth. What is the truth? In today’s world are we ever really sure that what we hear, or see, is the truth? Many of you are probably asking yourselves those same two questions. It is true that the year 2020 was one like no other and one hopes that we never see another like it. It is also true that the sun does rise every day in the east and set everyday in the west. In the northern hemisphere these are the months with long, dark nights, and short, but sometimes sunny days. It is these days when the sun sets early that afford far too much time to sit, read, and ponder the world in which we live. The wildly different news stories plastered all over various websites certainly makes one wonder if the reporters are even covering the same story. Quite frankly, are any of them really covering the story or just trying to get their version of the story out there first?

About four years ago I essentially stopped listening to, or reading, the news on a daily basis. Doing so proved to be a very positive change as there was no longer any yelling at the radio during the commute, frustration with commentary instead of reporting, or increased blood pressure as a result of simply reading the “news.” However, that all changed in the spring of 2020 when “the virus” and its corresponding “interesting times” arrived. It became necessary to pay at least some attention to the news. Unfortunately, the virus stories were always intertwined, or so it seemed, with politics; there will surely be more on that in future posts. For now, let me wrap up by saying that the year 2020, and recent events, inspired the development of this website, which will start merely as a place for me to vent, or vent for others, about our world and, in particular, this somewhat disjointed country we call the United States.